Friday, May 11, 2012

Just Me & My Bike.... And A Random Man

I decided to take my bike out for a little spin today.  Something you should know about this bike is that it is my baby.  I bought it in Ohio last summer and it was definitely my most expensive purchase.  I felt like a real grown up buying that bike.  I love it so much. I wasn't able to ride it much during the school year so I am excited to be able to ride it more this summer.

anyway I rode the bike to my moms work which is a nice 5 (or so) minute ride.  When I was only a few feet away from her work my chain popped off.  Obviously you can't ride a bike without a chain. Before I could even assess the problem a lady in the house across the street called over to me. 

"Take it back to my husband." She said.  

She then proceeded to call her husband to come out from the backyard to help me.  Before he could come to the front she had hopped into a car with her friend and rode off.

So there I am with in this strangers front yard with my bike-- chain off-- waiting for a man to come to the front yard where I would have to explain to him what I was doing there.  It was so weird.  Lets call him Random Man.
So I told him that my chain popped off and he told me he would be able to help me.

He had quite a heavy accent-- Sounded like he was from the Bahamas to me-- anyway as he fixed my chain we exchanged awkward small talk.  I HATE that kind of thing.  I never know what to say.  Finally he fixed my chain (and shortened it for me) then he realized that my front tire cover thing (yes, I do believe that is the technical term) was too far forward.  

"Who put this together?"-Random Man
"Well a bunch of my guy friends down at college helped me." -Me
"Where they drinking or something?" -Random Man

He moved it the front tire cover thing to where it was suppose to be and sent me on my way. Kinda. I was just about to leave (finally!!!) When he decided my back tire needed more air.  More awkward talk as he hand pumped my tire.  Good as new.  He sent me on my way. Again.  And then called me back. Again. When he decided my seat needed to be raised.  I just wanted out by this time. So I kindly told him that the seat was fine where it was.  He let me go after that.  I thanked him graciously.  And he let me know that if I ever needed help with my "Very nice bike indeed" that I could go to him at anytime.

It was very nice of him to help.  It was so weird and awkward for me at the time, but my full tire feels great and my chain is secure. All is well.  

I should make him cookies or something.

Oh!! Here are some pictures of the bike:


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Midnight Rambles.

Lets call this Midnight Rambles Part 1.  (I am sure there will be more midnight rambles to come.)

I am home in Orem for the weekend... Which i absolutely love.  Being home and seeing the family always brings me joy. But it is 12:08am and I am in bed.  I am not sure the last time I was in bed by 12 on a weekend. It is rare.  I am a night owl. Sleep and beds don't get along with me as well as I wish.  I was recently dubbed with a great new catch phrase.  "Tired, but Wired."  Beyond perfect words for me.

Anyway, as I lay here in bed I being to think. Typical. A wandering mind. They can actually be fantastic.  Getting into a zone where you become creative and inspired. CREATive. I start to think how I need to create more.  Which then motivated me to grab my laptop and type this rambling stumble of words. (Writing words is creative, right? At least a little bit?)

I need to blog more. and probably "pin" less. haha... that won't happen. 

Create more.  Type. or write. Even if nonsensical words enter the page or paper-- it really doesn't matter.  They are your words.  And they are beautiful

the end.

P.s. Please don't get me wrong.  I still love pinterest.  As my sister would say, it is very "pinteresting"  and I will definitely continue to use the site.  
P.s.s Listen to Bulletproof Weeks by Matt Nathanson. It is brilliant beauty.